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Today was mostly about getting my spoke fixed with a healthy dose of sightseeing through the South end of Teton park. I took my time being ready because I was going to a bike shop so there was no point arriving super early. While I was packing up I saw another cyclist on a gravel bike, presumably doing the great divide trail. I hadn’t seen him the night before so I figured he must have arrived very late. He said 11:45, after 110 miles! He was on a schedule to meet his wife in Jackson. I wished him good luck and finished packing up. I rolled out around 6:45. The plan was to head south to Jackson to get the spoke repaired. It was about 20 miles off route, but probably worth it as the next on route shop was about 100 miles away. The detour would take me south through a part of the park I hadn’t seen which I was excited about. As I set off it was only slightly cold, the shoulder was good, and the road in good condition. It was basically perfect riding for the first few miles. I got this stunning view of the Tetons. 

These mountains have been towering over me since I got here, and the ride south would take me closer to them which I was excited about. A few miles later I crossed a dam which had been built to enlarge Jackson Lake. The views of the mountains continued, though rain was being threatened.

I rode through hilly forests for a few miles before emerging into a huge grassy plain

As I rode there were frequent pullouts providing lots of opportunities to get good pictures of the individual mountains. I made the most of these opportunities

I reached a busy parking lot for a lake called Jenny Lake. I decided to check it out because I heard that it was amazing. As I rode through the parking lot I saw Kristin and Andy, the couple I’d ridden with for weeks, and their friends and family. They’d gone to Bozeman and driven down to Yellowstone and were sightseeing. Apparently they had even seen me yesterday and honked but I hadn’t responded 🥺. We said goodbye but it seems like destiny that we’ll see each other again at some point. I went and took a nice picture of the lake. 

I think it would have been nicer if I’d had time to go for a swim (apparently it’s pretty warm) but I was anxious about getting to the bike shop. I got onto a bike path that runs all the way from Jenny Lake to Jackson. The pavement was smooth and wonderful and the lack of cars was so nice. The ride progressed until I reached the town of Moose. My map showed there was a bike shop there but when I went in they said they were mostly just a rental shop. I asked if I could use the tools and they said no problem. I googled how to change a spoke and how to remove a cassette and got it done within 20 minutes. I talked with the guys in the shop and they were super chill. They let me use their truing stand to true the wheel poorly. I bought some lunch and some cookies as a thank you for the shop employees then got back on the road. I took a slightly different path back to my route, riding on a highway instead of the bike path, because it was shorter and more direct. Along the way I saw bison (they’re far away and hard to see in the photo)! I think they’re farm raised bison, not wild

I few miles later I reached the town of Moran which was literally just a post office. I rode a few more miles and was feeling sleepy so pulled off and went under a bridge to take a nap (it was the only shade around). Unfortunately there was a loud group of fisherman down there so I just got back on the bike and kept riding. I didn’t have to ride long to come to an RV park. It looked crappy so I decided not to stay. I kept going a few miles and instead went to a national forest campground. Unfortunately the only sites that were available didn’t have bear boxes so I have no idea where I’ll stash my stuff tonight. The camp host was most unhelpful providing a solution.
My bike had been making weird noises the last couple miles so I flipped it over to see what was going on. Turns out a giant grasshopper had gotten stuck in the cassette! I dislodged it which hopefully solves the odd noises. 
I got my tent set up then headed next door to a place with a restaurant. They didn’t open for an hour an a half. The host gave me the wifi and told me I could hang out by the restaurant. I found a plug and got to charge and use the wifi, luxury! I’m writing this there. I’m going to get dinner here then head back to camp and figure out the bear box situation. Night!

Distance: 45ish


  • 2x cinnamon roll
  • Cliff bar
  • Roast beef sandwich
  • Brownie
  • Vitamin water (I think I need a huge dinner)
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